School Council
Who We Are
We are a group of democratically elected representatives from every class in the school from years 1-6. Our role is to run projects that benefit our school community. We do everything from organising competitions and challenges, to raising awareness of and addressing issues within our school and running stalls at PTA events. If you have any ideas or suggestions of things you would like School Council to do, then please speak to you class rep and they will bring your ideas to the next meeting.
Our Mission
We are here to help out with the school and the facilities across the campus. We help by raising money for school projects that make learning even more fun and enjoyable. We're here to help our generation and positively impact the next. We want to get more equipment for our children and help fix the things we already have if they are broken. We want to exist sustainably. We help to support exciting school events and want everyone to have a great time at our school!
Our Values
We listen to everyone's opinions and try to help them solve their problems. We value equality highly. Our main values are:
- Reliability
- Determination
- Leadership through democracy
Our Motto
To join together and make school fun for everyone.
We strive to live up to this and help make school the best place it can be.
School Council
BAS art competition
School council introduced a whole school competition set by the British Antarctic Survey. The competition was to create a scene in Antarctic that included a research centre. The entries were of a very high standard and entries over the age of 8 were sent to BAS for the national competition. School council had the difficult job of selecting winners from Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6.
BAS competition winners selected by school council
Time capsule
Hardwick school council, our pupil governor and deputy pupil governor took a trip down to the new Hill housing development on St Neots road. Once equipped with PPE, the children had a tour of the site, had a demonstration of the forklift and excavator and then added some items to the time capsule (school work, guides to the school, a face mask, hand sanitiser, toys , photos and a book bag) and watched it be sealed and buried.