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The function and role of governors


The three key functions of governors at any maintained (Local Authority) school are defined by the Department for Education as:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
  • holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the appraisal of staff
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure it's money well spent.


In order to carry out these functions well, the Governing Body needs members who:

  • have a clear commitment to the vision and ethos of the school, which are shared with the headteachers, staff, parents and others of our school community
  • understand well how the school works, including its strength, weaknesses and current development priorities
  • are committed to personal development to make sure the Governing Body has the necessary skills and experience to challenge and support the school in its development.
The Governing Body at Hardwick & Cambourne acknowledges that it has a collective responsibility to appoint, train and support new governors so that they can become effective as quickly as possible.  It also has a responsibility to the school to make sure that its members have the range of skills and knowledge necessary to carry out the three governor functions well.

Our Governing Body


Co-Opted GovernorsTerm of Office 

Claire MacDonald (Chairperson)



Leigh Roberts (Co-Vice Chair - stakeholders)

Kirsty Shepherd

Lisa Eadon

Luke Edwards

Adiila Takun-Joolia

Caroline Kell

16.07.2018 to 15.07.2026



02.12.2019 to 01.12.2027

02.12.2019 to 01.12.2027

17.09.2018 to 16.09.2026

25.01.2021 to 24.01.2025

25.01.2021 to 24.01.2025

24.01.2022 to 23.01.2026

Parent Governors 


Nick Wong (Co-Vice Chair - governance development)


13.07.2021 to 12.07.2025

Local Authority Governor 
Isabel Harrison30.06.2021 to 29.06.2025
Staff Governor 

Kate Hitchings

14.10.2022 to 13.10.2024

Pupil Governors 

Poppy Cowen and Lola Banbury

until the end of the academic year 2023-2024
Associate Members 

Robert Coote

Sue Kearsey

04.05.2021 to 03.05.2025

01.09.2019 to 31.08.2027


Cate Thompson

01.09.2019 onwards

Clerk to Governors 
Helen AndrewsN/A



Governor Monitoring Responsibilities

Governor Declarations of Pecuniary Interest

Meeting Schedule


The full Governing Body usually meets one evening each half-term, to discuss issues related to its three key functions.


In addition, all governors take part in monitoring an area of the School Development Plan for the year.  This involves meeting with schools staff several times during the academic year, sometimes with pupils or other members of the school community.  These meetings are usually (though not exclusively) during the school day.  The work is essential in developing an understanding of how the school works, and see first-hand how areas of development are progressing.

Annual Governance Statement

For anyone considering applying to be a governor


Sometime the Governing Body seeks people with specific skills or abilities, to fill a gap in its combined skills set.  These will be outlined in any communication that seeks applicants.  Generally, though, the attributes needed to become an effective governor are enthusiasm and commitment.


The commitments to becoming effective include:

  • commitment to the school's vision and ethos - these can be found on the school's website
  • commitment to attending appropriate training - some is provided by the Local Authority, some is done within the Governing Body
  • commitment to the workload of being a governor - including attending evening and daytime meetings as needed.


Note that anyone applying to become a governor at our school will need to have an enhanced disclosure check from the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS).  Click here for more information.
