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Writing difficulties

Writing is one of the most complex processes that children learn. They need to think about the mechanics of handwriting (including spaces between words, shapes of letters and keeping their writing on a line) with processing ideas, constructing sentences and remembering what they want to write. It can be a difficult process for children to master and affects children with a variety of issues. 


Language issues

The link between spoken language and writing is undeniable. Children who can not say a sentence, will find writing a sentence difficult. We work closely with our Elklan TA and our Speech therapist to identify children with Speech and Language issues, and provide the support needed to develop their language skills. 


Physical issues

Children with hyper mobility, delayed fine motor skills or a physical condition that affects fine motor skills often find the physical mechanics of writing difficult and in particular letter formation and keeping their writing on the lines. We focus on being legible rather than 'neat'. Some children will need to develop their finger muscles alongside their pencil skills.


Ways to support writing. 


It is important that children are judged not only on what they can physically record, but also on what they understand. Adults can scribe ideas for children, writing can be structured with a writing frame, or children can be asked to finish a piece of writing that has the start already written out. Keeping a child enthusiastic and confident is key to helping them stay motivated. All adults need to recognise the effort that goes into producing a fairly short piece of handwriting for a child with writing difficulties. 



Children can use laptops and supportive software such as Clicker 8 to assist them with writing. Home licences are available via This is for children who are already using it in school. 

Talking tins can help children to record a spoken sentence before writing it. 

When physically writing is overly difficult and the usual handwriting interventions have not had an impact, children can also learn to Touch Type.


We use Junior English Type which can also be bought as a home licence. Dance Mat typing from the BBC is a free typing programme that also may help. 
