Reading difficulties
''No matter where they live or what their background, every single child in this country deserves the opportunity to read, to read widely, and to read well - it’s a simple matter of social justice.''
Child Literacy Campaign 2015
Reading is a vital skill that underpins almost every aspect of a child's life and when there are barriers to a child becoming a confident reader, it is important that we address them early on. For some children, the difficulties may be understanding the text that they can decode, and for others it may be the actual mechanics of decoding that they are struggling with.
We follow the Cambridgeshire guidance which states that
''Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling''
We can not provide a diagnosis within school but it is important that dyslexia type difficulties in children are responded to in the same way that a formal diagnosis would be.