2022/2023 Events Page
Please find below details of events that we have coming up in the 2022/2023 school year.
This will be updated with details throughout the year as dates are confirmed.
Please use the link above to book using the PTA events website.
Any questions or suggestions please email ptachair@googlegroups.com or contact us via our Facebook pages:
Hardwick & Cambourne Community Primary School - Cambourne Campus PTA
Hardwick & Cambourne Community Primary School PTA - Hardwick Site
Friday 18th November
Pyjama Day for Children In Need on both sites.
(£1 donation)
Friday 18th November
Music Quiz Night
Hardwick Campus - 7.30pm.
Friday 2nd, 9th, 16th December
Wear something Christmassy - both sites.
Could be anything from some tinsel, festive socks, a Christmas hat or a full Christmas outfit.
(Donations for coloured hampers for Christmas raffle.)
Elfridges - both sites.
Let your child to choose a gift for someone special from our secret wrapping room.
Please book by Friday 25th November.
Friday 16th December
Christmas Raffle drawn for both sites.
Friday 16th December
Hardwick Cake Sale - after school in the playground.
(Donations gratefully received by the morning of 16th December.)
Saturday 7th January
Hardwick Christmas tree collections.
Friday 20th January
Cake Sale on both sites - after school in the playground.
(Donations gratefully received by the morning of 20th January.)
Saturday 21st January
Cambourne Family Craft Morning - 9.30AM-11.30AM.
(This is a FREE event but please still book your place on the events website so we have an idea of numbers)
Friday 3rd February
Psychic Night.
Hardwick Campus - 7.30PM.
Friday 10th February
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Sale on both sites - after school in the playground.
(Pre-orders via the events website please)
Friday 24th February
Key Stage 1 and Reception Disco.
Hardwick Campus - 3.30PM - 4.30PM.
Friday 24th February
Hot Friday - Cambourne Campus
After school in the playground for hotdogs and hot chocolate.
Wednesday 15th March
Key Stage 2 Disco.
Cambourne Campus - 3.30PM - 4.30PM.
Friday 17th March
Mother's Day shop - both sites.
(Please pre-order your gifts on the events website)
Saturday 25th March
Bingo Night.
Cambourne Campus
1st-16th April
Easter Trail.
Both Sites.
Friday 21st April
Cake Sale
Cambourne Campus - after school in the playground.
(Donations gratefully received by the morning of 21st April.)
Friday 19th May
Break the rules day - Cambourne campus
(Donations towards Summer fair - see posters for details)
Sunday 21st May
Car Boot Sale - Cambourne Campus
(Available for both sites to book - see posters for details)
Friday 16th June
Father's Day Shop - both sites.
(Please pre-order on the events website. See posters for details.)
Friday 23rd June
Summer Fair.
Cambourne Campus - open to both sites
(Please pre-order on the events website. See posters for details.)
Friday 7th July
Cake Sale
Cambourne Campus - after school in the playground.
(Donations gratefully received by the morning of 7th July.)
10th-16th July
Virtual Balloon race - both sites. Details to follow.
Tuesday 18th July
Year 6 Leavers Party
Cambourne site - Caxton Village Hall. Please pre-book via the PTA events page and see posters for details.
June/July - Date TBC
Ice Cream Fridays
Both sites - Details to follow.
June/July - Date TBC
Family Big Breakfast
Hardwick Campus - Details to follow.