Year 3/4
Welcome to Year 3/4!
Hello everyone and welcome to the Year 3/4 page!
Our topic this half term is: Romans
PE Days
On your child's PE days, they need to come to school in their PE kit (plain white or blue t-shirt and black jogging bottoms/shorts). Leave watches or jewellery at home, and please tie long hair back before coming to school. We will be doing outdoor PE all winter, so jumpers, hats and even gloves are required if it is very cold.
Robins Miss Renshaw: Wednesday and Thursday
Wrens Mrs Kerss / Miss Knight: Wednesday and Friday
Owls Mrs Menezes and Mrs Chambers: Tuesday and Thursday
Puffins Mrs Hitchings/Mr Hoban: Monday and Tuesday
Falcons Mr Lander: Monday and Tuesday
Swans Ms Newlove: Tuesday and Thursday
Welcome Meeting for parents.
Thank you to all of you who attended in the first week of term. Please see below for the slides, if you missed it.
Rainforest Animal Experience!
Kenya activities