1. Gathering your facts
Watch ‘Is this my home?’. A video clip through the eyes of the girl and the animals she meets, that we all share the same home. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/lily-cole-climate-change-free-children-book/
What do you think it means to be Global Citizens?
Watch the following clips - make some notes about what you find out. (There are several clips, followed by some text. After each one, make some notes to help you remember the facts you learn.)
* Use bullet points
* Write key words only
* Notes are for you to help you remember
* Don't worry about spelling
Watch this Sir David Attenborough’s clip… this really started the plastic revolution. Only few years ago plastic straws were common…. Now they're impossible to find! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=david+attenborough+pollution+kids&&view=detail&mid=DFF96A589C409D17648ADFF96A589C409D17648A&&FORM=VRDGAR