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Parental Questionnaire Summary

Results from the Parental Questionnaire July 2022 are taken from 115 parental replies

 Agree or Strongly Agree 2022Disagree or Strongly Disagree 2022
My child is happy at this school98%2%
My child feels safe at this school99%1%
The school expects my child and other pupils to behave99%1%
The school makes me aware of that my child will learn during the year91%9%
The school has high expectations for my child96%4%
My child does well at this school95%5%
I would feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions, concerns or a problem and that they would be dealt with properly97%3%
The school lets me know how my child is doing90%10%
There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school98%2%
The school supports my child's wider personal development95%5%
I would recommend this school to another parent97%3%
Does your child have Special Educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)8%92%
 Agree or Strongly Agree 2022Disagree or Strongly Disagree 2022
If yes, my child has SEND and the school gives them the support they need to succeed (based on 9 responses)89%11%


Every year, we add some supplementary questions to gain feedback in an area of our school.  In July 2022, the spotlight was on wellbeing and enrichment.  Parents are also given an additional box for comments - both positive and negative.  Please find the comments below and anything the school has done in response.


 CommentsResponse from school, if any
Do you have any suggestions for how we could further enrich our wider curriculum provision for your child/children?

Different after school taster sessions for them to try e.g. drama, sports, music lessons, cubs/brownies


No it's great!


Keep golden mornings/afternoons.  The children love them!


More school trips, more hand on type learning.  Especially in history/geography type lessons


More sharing afternoons with parents


I don't have any suggestions


Introduce talks about wellbeing including mental health and expressing emotions


No, what you're doing at the moment is very good



More music opportunities





Celebrating a wider range of festivals, cultural/religious day and Pride week/month

Unfortunately, we don't have many outside clubs offering these experiences to our children anymore - they tend to come and do an assembly, and then we share information via parent mail.



We like doing them too!




This is one of our school development priorities for this year.



These too will be making a come back this year now COVID restrictions have been relaxed



The school regularly talk about wellbeing not only during assemblies, but also during PSHCE lessons.  They are also offered a focus for at least one Golden Afternoon a term too. 



Choir has returned as of this year.  We share any extracurricular opportunities that the secondary school put on with parents. 

Our school yearly planner is full of these days and we celebrate them in assembly, in classes or as a whole school 


What do you think we already do as a school to support your child/children’s wellbeing?

The school has provided access to support for my child’s behavioural issues 


The schools is nurturing 


Acknowledge special weeks, encourage mixing friendships 


Regular discussions about taking care of themselves and teaching them skills on how to be independent with getting ready etc 


We have been more than supported 


The school has a balanced perspective for children. Academic achievements as well as non academic achievements are both important. 


The school values all achievements not just academic ones. 


The staff at the school have all been incredibly supportive of my child.  They were able to talk about their feelings and I always felt he was being well looked after and cared for emotionally. 


We believe HCCPS puts the child at the centre of everything. 


Staff are approachable and sensitive to problems at home. 


The low key approach to the sats tests was appreciated. Both our children have been very happy here.   


I believe that a lot of thought is being put on what the children need and what is the best way of addressing those needs. The school is flexible and options are presented to parents. 


TA support and looks out for children 


Friendly and supportive staff and atmosphere.  


Child focused learning.  


Emphasis mental health and wellbeing throughout the year 


Always there to help 


Friendly and supportive staff and atmosphere. Child focused learning. Emphasis mental health and wellbeing throughout the year 


The staff are friendly and helpful. Welcoming the children into school when they arrive in the morning. This is important and gives a good impression to parents. 


Careful thought about class groups and friendships and establishing good relationships between staff and children are the two most important factors I am aware of. 


You are doing great. My child is happy. 


Sensory sports 


Acorns/the nest, and generally being lovely staff. 


Through teacher relationships and positive relationship with peers 


Spend time with our children, properly getting to know them and their needs. 


SO MUCH! Teaches recognise and respond to my child’s needs daily, and all the amazing communication and understanding that goes on behind the scenes that we don't see. 


When it comes to big issues you Keep the parents informed so the child, parent and school  are on the same page which is fantastic 


The Elsa intervention is a great idea 


I think SATS were handles well by staff, keeping it as fun and relaxed as possible was clearly a priority. 


Lots of different topics, golden afternoon, great school trips/experiences, school plays 


Being friendly and approachable, keeping parents informed with any accidents or anything other we may need to know. Wanting the best out of them and helping them achieve this. 


Sheltered break times if children don’t want to go out, it’s a safe haven and a god send 


Teacher will listen to their pupil (and parents) concerns and assist in the classroom where applicable.  


The school has bullying awareness days/odd sock days, etc. and advice is given on safe internet/app usage etc. 


Approachable teachers and teachers have a good insight into children emotional well-being 


I think there’s a lot of emphasis on mental health, and both my children talk about how they’re feeling -  this must have come from school and I’m really pleased that they can communicate those emotions 


Encourage open discussions with peers regarding respect, kindness and care towards one another and providing more time for children to talk when there are things that are upsetting them 

A lot of time is dedicated to discussions around respect, kindness and care towards one another. These are a focus of the following PSHE units, which are taught to every year group from Y1-6:  Beginning and belonging, Family and friends, Anti-bullying, My emotions and Working together. 

It is also a focus in assemblies and in the dialogue between teachers and pupils during disputes with peers/friendship issues. 

 A better well-advertised pastoral support / more emotional support

It is on the wellbeing action plan to share with parents via the website the support available both in school and externally 

The school do our best with our pastoral programme with the money we have.   

Actually make yourselves availableThe school has an open door policy and all staff make themselves available should you would to make an appointment or chat with them at the end of the day
A Relaxation/ yoga/ pilates in the morning, mindfulness type activitiesDifferent teachers have different approaches to this throughout the school day.  Mindfulness activities are often offered as a Golden Afternoon each half term. We also encourage these types of activities during Children’s mental health week 
 As far as I’m aware all questions or problems are filtered through the class teacher, if there’s a problem with the class teacher there is no advisory to the parent where next to turn for help or support and the lack of confidence that any action would be takenThe school has a clear hierarchy of leadership.  In the first instance, contact the class teacher and if the situation is still not resolved, please contact the Heads of Campus.  
Forming positive relationships is key, and whilst as a school we know and value this, I think it remains an area that could be developed further, perhaps specifically with non teaching members of staff. The school are currently working on a revised behaviour policy, which includes staff development and ensures a whole-school approach to wellbeing and behaviour, not just for teaching staff 
Better focus on diversity and inclusion e.g. I know that my child still hears “gay” as an insult in the playground. We absolutely do not tolerate this language and when it is brought to our attention we deal with it straight away.  We are currently working with the secondary schools regarding this, so there is a joined up approach as to how this is dealt with. Any prejudice related incidents needs to be reported when they happen to a member of staff as we record these. EDI through our curriculum forms a part of or SDP priorities for this year. 
Work to specifically address girls friendship issues and manage conflicts successfully This is something that is worked on in PSHE sessions, but agree we could do more work in this area. We are looking in to golden afternoons that could have a focus on this as well as other ways we can support friendship issues in school through our wellbeing action plan 


Results from Ofsted Parentview Questionnaire November 2021 are taken from 160 responses

 Strongly Agree or AgreeDisagree or Strongly DisagreeDon't know
My child is happy at this school96%4% 
My child feels safe at this school94%5%1%
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved 92%5%3%
The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year92%7%1%
The school has high expectations for my child83%10%7%
My child does well at this school94%5%1%
The school lets me know how my child is doing91%8%1%
There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school95%4%1%
My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school85%11%4%
The school supports my child's wider personal development88%8%4%
My child has SEND and the school gives them the support they need to succeed (based on 27 responses)78%18%4%


 My child has not been bulliedStrongly Agree or AgreeDisagree or Strongly DisagreeDon't know
My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively74%14%6%6%
 I have not raised any concernsStrongly Agree or AgreeDisagree or Strongly DisagreeDon't know
When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly23%77%10% 


I would recommend this school to another parent92%8%


Results from the Parental Questionnaire July 2020 are taken from 96 parental replies


Agree or Strongly Agree


Disagree or Strongly Disagree


My child is happy at this school



My child feels safe at this school



The school expects my child and other pupils to behave



The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year



The school has high expectations for my child



My child does well at this school



I would feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions, concerns or a problem and that they would be dealt with properly.



The school lets me know how my child is doing



There is a good range of subject available to my child at this school



The school supports my child’s wider personal development






I would recommend this school to another parent



Does your child have Special Educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)




Agree or Strongly Agree


Disagree or Strongly Disagree


If yes, my child has SEND and the school givens them the support they need to succeed (based on 6 parental responses)




Every year, we add some supplementary questions to gain feedback on an area in our school.  In July 2020, the spotlight was how the school responded to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Agree or Strongly Agree 

Disagree or Strongly Disagree

Not Applicable

The school has kept me well informed during the COVID-19 partial closure




The school has, where possible, supported my need for childcare during the partial closure



(63 responses)

The home learning and other educational support available has been supportive of my child’s needs




The school’s overall level of communication is good




The schools website is easy to navigate and I can find the things on there I need





Any other comments about the school's communication and/or website this academic year.

New website is so much better/improved x 8

See the difference the new heads are making with communication/website

New website gives a sense of community

YouTube Channel is lovely

Thank you to all the school for the information

Appreciative of all the information and effort school has made

Supportive teachers

School calendar should be locked so only parents can see

Home learning has been an excellent resource

Some suggested activities not compatible with IPads

Fed up with White Rose at times

Class zooms and phone calls were great x 4

We liked the staff on videos – we would have liked to see them more

Felt some topics were aimed at younger children

A special school who see children thrive whilst in our care

Would have liked more contact with class teacher x 3

Website and home learning are excellent, thoughtful and varied

Nursery home learning could have been better

A clear improvement in communication x4

Keyworker club was excellent x2

Clearer avenues for monitoring children’s work

School listens to parents comment and adapts accordingly x 2

Assemblies would have been good

Communication has been fantastic x 11

Communication needs to be clearer

Extension activities for the more able would have been good


Parents are also given an additional box for comments - both positive and negative.  Below are some of the themes that have come out of the questionnaire and anything the school does, or has done in response.






Thankful for the measures put in place to allow children to return to school safely


Child has improved in confidence


3/4 staff are fabulous


School gives children extra support in order to be able to achieve


Reports at the end of EYFS are very detailed


Appreciative that the new report format has a focus on attitude to learning


Wand another column to the left of the strongly agree column – best school for their child!


Teacher dedication to children both pastorally and learning


Good support during Covid x3










Areas for Development School response

Want their child to be challenged/pushed to achieve a greater depth of learning

Work is differentiated by all teachers either to support the children in their class or challenge them.

Issues with consistency in staffing during the academic year

Unfortunately, this was out of our control.  When we realised that this was going to be long term, we quickly put a plan in place to ensure that the children had a consistent teacher(s)

Want more regular parent consultations and see children’s’ work more often

School provides 3 parent consultations across the academic year – Autumn, Spring and Summer which is the expectation from the government.  

More nursery communication

We are working to develop this, this year.

Disappointed that some years were not able to finish

As a school, we too were disappointed that the government only allowed R,1 & 6 to return back in the second half of the summer term. 

Concerned about the need to catch-up

The school have quickly identified the gaps in children’s learning and are addressing them so the children catch up as quickly as possible.

Want more targeted communication

As a school, communication is already targeted but we can look to see how this is further developed.

Teachers do not adequately support SEND pupils

The progress that our SEND pupils make is at odds with this statement.


Results from Parental Questionnaire July 2019 are taken from 170 parental replies.

  Agree or Strongly Agree 2017 Agree or Strongly Agree 2018 Agree or Strongly Agree 2019 Disagree or Strongly Disagree 2019
My child enjoys school. 99.5% 98.8% 98.9% 1.1%
My child is making good progress at school. 95.7% 99.5% 95.8% 4.2%
I feel my child is safe and well cared for at school 99.5% 99.5% 100% 0%
The school expects my child to behave well 100% 100% 100% 0%
The school expects my child to work hard and achieve his or her best. 98.4% 100% 99.4% 0.6%
I feel the school is willing to listen to children’s views 99% 99.5% 98.2% 1.8%
I would feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions or a problem. 98.4% 98% 98.8% 1.2%
The school is helping my child to become more mature and responsible. 99.5% 99.5% 99.4% 0.6%


Every year, we add some supplementary questions to gain feedback on an area in our school.  In July 2019, the spotlight was on the use of our curriculum and pastoral provision.
  Strongly Agree or agree Disagree or strongly disagree Don't know
The school provides high quality pastoral support 91.2% 1.8% 7%
Do you feel that your children get enough exposure to subjects beyond English and Maths 97.5% 0% 3.5%
The school supports families enough regarding issues such as Drugs education, Relationship and Sex education, knife crime and gang culture 72.4% 4.1% 23.5%
The school provides a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupil’s interests 93.5% 0% 5.9%


Parents are also given an additional box for comments - both positive and negative.  Below are some of the themes that have come out of the questionnaire and anything the school does, or has done in response.
  Positives   Positives 

School plays

Focus on wider curriculum

Personal development

Nurturing the whole child

Golden mornings

Inclusive and supportive ethos

Pastoral care

Supportive of families through tough times

Mixed year groups

Topics and choice of homework projects

Approach to bullying

Social and emotional support provided

SATs booster groups

Communicating about what can be done at home

Great learning environments

Extra-curricular opportunities

Opportunities such as library, peer mediator, allotments


Code club

Topics, trips and golden mornings

Reading opportunities

Y5/6 play and Hill Top

Encouraged use of impressive vocabulary

Nursery- safe and supportive environment


Pastoral support

Chinese club

Writing club

Approach to KS1 SATs

Volunteering opportunities



Areas for development School response

Inconsistency in job share expectations e.g. behaviour

Embedding of the positive behaviour policy should hopefully ensure this doesn’t happen

Wanting to know KS1 SATs results

This is shared with parents should they ask for it.  Something to think about including on the report next year

Too much homework in Reception

Streamlined homework across the school

SEN- anxiety about next year

Better communication among teachers regarding transition to new classes

Transition is an area we will be looking at in detail when it gets to the summer term.  No

Anxiety about changes in routine, getting things wrong

Anxiety about coming to school

Work in PSHCE and assemblies linked to mental health and knowing how to cope and deal with feeling anxious

Homework traumatic!

Shared expectations with both parents and children re homework expectations not just for SEN pupils, but all.




Areas for Development School Response

Observations at lunch and break could be improved

Governors are including this area in their walk once a year on each site


Procedures for contacting teacher with problems

Lack of regular homework

Home reading books too easy

Clear guidelines shared at the ‘Welcome to’ meetings at the beginning of the year linked to contacting teachers, homework and reading that is consistent across the school.

Lack of listening to children’s views at a whole school level

Each class has a school council representative who takes the views of children to regular school council meetings chaired by a teacher.  These views are listened to, responded to and reported to Senior Leadership - should the need matter need to be addressed further.

Would like to see children’s work more than twice a year at parent’s evening.

Parents are invited in for special sharing afternoons

Art should be more about self-expressing rather than copying existing artwork

There is a curriculum spotlight on all foundation subjects this year.

