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Year 1/2

Summer is finally here and we are looking forward to using the great outdoor space for our learning this term. We will be looking at habitats this half term and have some wonderful activities planned.


We have a really exciting and educational trip to Woburn safari park to look forward to! As well as this, in science, we will be looking at the food chains. In geography, we will be looking at a variety of different habitats round the world. During our RE lessons, we will be looking at a variety of different religions and comparing them. In art, we will be creating a collage of different habitats using a variety of different materials. During our PSHE sessions, we will be looking at managing change, which will support children in their move to the next year group. In PE, we will be looking at orienteering, which will be very fun and new for some children as well as preparing for sports day. As well as this, we will be doing lots more fun learning which we are sure the children will learn from and enjoy.

Slides from Y1/2 Parent Welcome Meetings (held on 6 September)

Year 1/2 Routines


Reading books will be changed once a week, please speak to your child's teacher or email the office if you want to discuss your child's reading. Please record what your child has read in their reading records. Reading records will be checked by teachers at the end of every half term and only need to be returned in the last week of the half term. 


On the days children have PE they should come to school dressed in their outdoor PE kit. They should wear black or blue joggers/shorts, a white or light blue t-shirt, jumper and trainers please. Please note NO sports teams kits, eg NO football shirts). It is very important they have extra layers they can take on and off when the weather gets colder. 


PE days for Hardwick are:

Mr Regan: Monday and Thursday

Miss Williams/Ms Swann: Monday and Thursday


PE days for Cambourne are:

Mr Atkinson: Wednesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor)

Mrs Emery/Mrs Menezes: Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)

Mrs Jodin: Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)


Please can we remind parents to make sure children are dressed appropriately for the weather and remember we will continue to keep classrooms well ventilated so classrooms may be cool.

Home Learning

Reading, times tables, real life maths and vocabulary-building are all excellent ways to help your child learn and make progress at home. The home learning expectation in year 1/2 is that the children do the following learning at home

• Daily reading (suggested time 10 minutes)

• Read to your child daily (suggested time 10 minutes)

• Spellingframe twice a week (suggested time 10 minutes) 

• 1 question from the maths homework on Seesaw per week (suggested time 10-15 minutes)

• 2-3 topic activities from the home learning ideas grid on Seesaw per half term (time and activities are up to you)


You can also check out the school website maths and English pages for lots of other exciting things to do at home. 



Topic Home Learning Grid

Additional maths materials


Please check Seesaw or speak to your child's teacher for Maths home learning suggestions. 

The number bonds, doubles and halves games on 'Hit the Button' are also great for improving fluency.
