Week 3
Week 3 has been off to a good start. We read Silly Billy by Anthony Brown which is a story about a boy who has many worries so he gets a worry doll to take all his worries away. We went to collect sticks and made our own worry dolls.
Worry Dolls

Our first Easter themed activity was sewing foam eggs. Some year 1s demonstrated amazing stitching skills!

We had a lot of fun painting bread then toasting it for our snack time. Just mix food colouring with milk and voila! Anyone can become a food artist. Sprinkles optional.
Toast art
Our second Easter themed activity was building giant egg marble runs.
Egg runs

Egg launching

Egg run

New for Spring 2021: Easter bonnet fashion.
Easter hats
Mini Sports Day

Mini Sports Day

We learnt a simplified version of a dance routine called the Charleston stroll. Do try this at home!
Charleston stroll

The performance
Charleston stroll tutorial

We decorated eggs and tried to make them look like mini characters. Can you guess what each egg is?
Egg characters
We collected sticks from the nearby footpath and turned them into mini rafts for our pond. Many of them floated well and could even carry something!


Week 3 finished with nothing less than an egg hunt and sugar rush. Happy Easter everyone!