Additional Art Opportunities in School
Classroom Names
We’re excited to share that our school has adopted new classroom names based on local wildlife! To celebrate this change, each class has been doing an art project. The students have produced beautiful work inspired by an artist they’ve been learning about. Next time you're in school, be sure to check out the amazing displays! You can also follow the link to explore more.
Follow these links to find out about what each class has been doing!
Facing Fears Through Art
A student has used her creativity to help overcome a fear, transforming anxiety into inspiration. Her artwork celebrates growth, resilience, and the healing power of art. Well done!
Year 5/6 and their Brilliant Batik
At HCCPs we encourage the children to learn about a wide variety of art styles from different cultures. This year, Year 5/6 have been learning about Batik as part of their passage to India topic. This is a process of pouring wax onto fabric to reveal detailed, bold designs after adding dye. However, some students have used their artwork to create these stunning cushions!
Young Artist Summer Show 2024
An opportunity for your artwork to be displayed online and in a gallery at the Royal Academy of Arts.
At HCCPs, we are always looking for new opportunities to encourage our students to develop their artistic skills. This year, our school registered for the Young Artist Summer Show. This was a free opportunity for children aged 4 - 19 to show off their passion for art in any way they chose! This could be drawing, painting, sculpting or something else. This event is now in its sixth year of exhibiting students artwork from around the country.
Some of our students decided to enter. Take a look at their creative efforts!

Anti-Bullying Week 2023
The children across the school have been participating in Anti-bullying week. They have raised awareness by wearing odd socks and doing lots of different activities. Some of the children have been colouring in their own odd socks.
Dragon Eyes in Y3/4
At HCCPs, we take every opportunity to develop our art skills in new exciting ways. Take a look at these fantastic dragon eyes which were made using oil pastels and blending. What do you think?

Jackson Pollock Inspired Artwork Y5/6
At HCCPs, we like to explore and study a range of artists as part of our curriculum. On top of this, Y5/6 students this year decided that they wanted to study the famous artist Jason Pollock after having looked at the work of Matisse and Monet during the Europe study week. Here is their amazing work!