Golden Afternoons
Golden Afternoonss are an important and exciting element of the broad curriculum offered at Hardwick and Cambourne. They allow us to provide an ever more diverse, appealing and personalised curriculum for your children. This enables our curriculum to go beyond the limits of the National Curriculum and help create interested, enquiring minds with a love of learning about the world. It allows us to draw upon the interests and passions of the children and create learning opportunities in all these areas. It also creates a vehicle for the school to utilise the skills, expertise and interests of parents and bring those into the learning environment.
Since 2007 Golden Afternoon courses have been delivered by teachers, parents, teaching assistants, governors, other members of the community and even some of our older children. Each course is designed around a 6 week timeframe taught every Friday afternoon. Some of the courses we've run in the past include:
Street dance, Graffiti Art, Pond Dipping, Mini Village, Cross Stitch, Crime and Punishment, Jungles, Biscuit Bake Off and Sporting biographies.
Can you help?
If you can help us deliver Golden Afternoon courses then please get in touch. In the past parents and others have run their own 6 week course for a small group of children or assisted others in running courses. If you feel you could offer the children a valuable learning experience or would like to get involved on a Friday afternoon just let us know by emailling