Hardwick site new library opening
On Monday 13th June, we had the pleasure of opening our brand new library on the Hardwick site. It was a joyous afternoon, which started with a whole school assembly led by Cambridge-based author, Dave Shelton. Dave then led a cartooning workshop with a group of children before heading to the official library opening. Pupils from the school and ethics council were joined joined by staff, governors, parents from the PTA and members of the Hardwick Community Association and the ribbon was cut by author Dave Shelton and our pupil governor, Jack. Everyone had a chance to look around the library and browse some of the many new books purchased. Each day after school for the rest of the week, parents were invited in to look around and share some of the books with their children. We are so proud of all the hard work that has gone in to making this dream a reality and would like to say a huge thank you to all those who have helped make this happen.